How to Lose Weight Permanently With A Diet Plan
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How to Lose Weight Permanently |
How to Lose Weight Permanently With A Diet Plan
A lot of people want to know how to lose weight permanently. There are some steps you have to take when it comes to your diet. And you can lose pounds with these steps.
- The first phase (1200-1300 calories)
Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar, 150 ml of milk, 60 g of diet bread (made from whole grains), 5 g margarine, vegetables, apples 150 g. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 10 g protides, 8 g fat, 57 g carbohydrates, that is 350 calories.
Lunch: 150 g cooked vegetables (you choose your vegetables) and a mixed salad of raw tomatoes 250 g, 200 g cucumber, a hard boiled egg, 5 g olive oil, vinegar, a little salt and pepper. May add 60 g of natural yogurt and bread diet. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 25 g proteins, 20 g fat, 70 g carbohydrates, 560 calories.
Dinner: 100 g of lettuce with 5 g walnut oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, 100 g of broiled fish, steamed zucchini, 200 g, 60 g of diet bread, 20 g of white cheese, a kiwi. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed: 25 g protides, 10 g fat, 46 g carbohydrates, which means 380 calories. Energy intake of the day is 1,290 calories. In the second stage of the diet needs to replace the fish with an equal amount of chicken.
- Second stage (1400-1500 calories)
Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar, 150 ml of milk, 60 g bread diet, 5 g margarine, vegetable, half a grapefruit. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 10 g proteins, 8 g fat, 53 g carbohydrates, 350 calories total.
Lunch: 150 g asparagus with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, 200 g spinach, 150 g boiled rice 100 g roasted beef, 60 g dietary bread, yogurt. You got: 50 g proteins, 10 g fat, 85 g carbohydrates, 625 calories total.
Dinner: 100 g of cauliflower cooked and canned mushrooms 200 g, 5 g walnut oil, vinegar, salt and pepper 100 g cooked chicken, 30 g cheese, 60 g bread, 125 g strawberries. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 40 g proteins, 16 g fat, 45 g carbohydrates, 450. In total, you’ve consumed 1425 calories a day.
- The third phase (1600-1700 calories)
Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar, 150 ml milk, 60 g bread diet, 5 g margarine, a banana. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed : 11 g proteins, 8 g fat, 64 g carbohydrates, 375 calories total.
Lunch: 100 g boiled beets and walnut oil, vinegar, salt, pepper 100 g cooked, 250 g of cooked tomatoes, 60 g bread diet, 30 g of cheese, two pears. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 24 g fat, 72 g carbohydrates, that is 660 calories.
Dinner: 200 grams of green peas, boiled potatoes 150 g, 100 g pork, 60 g bread, 100 g white cheese. Nutritional analysis that shows that you have consumed 47 g proteins, 11 g fat, 75 g carbohydrates, 590 calories. Energy intake of the day is 1633 calories.
You will have to stick to this dieting ideas if you really want to find the solution on how to lose weight permanently. There are also other kinds of excellent dieting plans you can consider. Remember, we are what we eat and it is always a must to take the best dieting plan.